Knockout Roses

Knockout Roses

We think The Knock Out® Family of Roses make an excellent gift for the gardener in your life!


Choose from many different types!

The Sunny Knock Out® Rose is the only fragrant member in The Knock Out® Family. It has a slightly more compact and upright habit than The Knock Out® Rose with bright yellow flowers that fade quickly to a pastel cream color. The yellow color stays more intense during cooler times of the year. The dark, semi-glossy foliage contrasts nicely with the bright blooms.


The Pink Double Knock Out® Rose
A bright bubble gum pink version of The Double Knock Out® Rose that is very stable and also unfazed by the heat. Classic shaped flowers bloom from early spring to the first frost. With superior drought tolerance once established, it has the toughness and resistance for which the family is known. A vibrant color that perks up any landscape.


The Double Knock Out® Rose
From the same cross that produced the original Knock Out® Rose, The Double Knock Out® Rose represents the next generation in the family of The Knock Out® R oses. The full double flowers look just like a classic rose. What it gained in beauty it did not lose in performance. It is as resistant to black spot as the famous original and is slightly more winter hardy.