Fall is for MUMS!

Fall is for MUMS!

Ahh Chrysanthemums, one of the best ways to instantly create a POP of fall color to your home &

garden. Use these beautiful flowers to create a warm and fuzzy fall porch display add them to your

perennial gardens and enjoy them year after year.

Mums are considered perennials, but they are not always used as a perennial. Some prefer to use in

pots until their season is over. However, you can still plant mums towards the end of fall, but their

likelihood of surviving dwindles as it goes dormant before the plant can get established in the ground.

PRO TIP: The best stage to purchase a fall mum is when the buds are just beginning to break open.

Mums with fully open flowers are okay to buy but be aware that they will not last as long in your garden

or on your porch.