Hummingbirds & Orioles

At the end of the month the nectar feeding season will be upon us! Hummingbirds and orioles have begun their journey to return to their breeding grounds. Some have already reached Indianapolis! Check out this migration map from 



Here are some tips on how to successfully attract these birds to your Harbor Country home.

  • Hang several feeders. This will prevent one aggressive bird from controlling the feeder.
  • Clean, fill and hang feeders two weeks before anticipated arrival. (Now would be perfect!)
  • Change nectar every three days. Clean your feeder with hot water and rinse with every change. Use brushes in hard-to-reach places.
  • Hang red or orange ribbons on the feeder. The colors will help them find the feeders easily.
  • Use a feeder with bee-resistant ports like the HummZinger!
  • Use an ant moat to deter ants.
  • Use the large-capacity 24 oz Glass Hummingbird Feeder for adequate supply.
  • Orioles love fresh fruit or jam. Serve it in a Jelly/Fruit Feeder!
  • Plant nectar-producing flowering plants, shrubs and trees in your yard. Honeysuckle, bleeding heart, petunia, fuscia and trumpet vine are a few favorites. 
  • Keep feeders up for two weeks after you see your last visitor. This will help migrating stragglers in the fall.

If you are having trouble with the pesky grackles and starlings cleaning out your seed feeders, try serving straight safflower seed. Grackles and Starlings hate safflower, but cardinals, rose breasted grosbeak, chickadees and titmice love it! Make sure you are using straight safflower and not a mix because those pesky birds will just pick out the seeds they do like. 

You can find everything you need to attract these feathered friends at Sawyer Home & Garden Center. We have feeders, nectar, jelly plus, fresh fruits and flowers!

Thanks for reading!
Christina Allis
Sawyer Garden Center